Thanks Giving Message

Thanksgiving has become a popular festival among Christians these days. Western countries observe a holiday on this day. It is originally a North American harvest festival. On this day, a Puritan sect; Pilgrams visited America with an aim to settle. They wanted to start a new life. The Pilgrams set up new colonies and harvested crops. They also started a new tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving. This was a day kept aside and dedicated to God as an act of gratefulness to the almighty for granting new life.

One of the most common practices adopted for celebrating Thanksgiving is by sending special Thanks Giving Message to relatives and friends. Studies and researches have proved that the earliest celebration took place in the year 1565 in the month of September. The celebration venue was Florida. The tradition never died. It was continued with dedication and is carried till today.

Thanksgiving is widely celebrated in Canada and more than thousands of Thanks Giving messages are sent across the globe in October (the 2nd Monday) each year. The tradition in Canada was started by Martin Frobisher. He commemorated the event in the year 1578. It was his attempt to appreciate his survival on a crucial journey to find a northern passageway towards the Orient.

Farmers in Europe observed Thanksgiving to get good harvest. They followed a tradition of stuffing horn of a goat with harvested grains. The horn was referred to as 'cornucopia'. The literal meaning of the term is 'the Horn of Plenty'. This tradition was carried on even after their settlement in Canada. Today, they send

messages for Thanks Giving to their near and dear ones.

Thanks Giving is widely celebrated in the United States. The day is declared as a legal one-day holiday each year. Thanks Giving falls on the 4th Thursday in the month of November each year. The official visit of Pilgrams to Plymouth Plantation was celebrated widely. This was a period when Wampanoag, the Native American tribes taught the art of crop yielding to Pilgrams to earn a living.

This started off with a tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving by the Pilgrams. They offered a special prayer for good harvest. Today, they also send Thanks Giving Message to their friends and relatives on this day as a mark of celebration. According to an ancient practise since 1947, the National Turkey Federation offers one live two dressed turkeys to the President of the nation each year on this day as gift. This ritual is referred to as the 'National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation'.

There are many beautiful Thanks Giving Messages sent across to relatives and friends each year. Here are some of the best ones:

Message Thanksgiving 1:
Thanks Giving has arrived,
Let's live it up and make it a cheerful event,
Feasting on goodies is fun; let's get together and make the occasion special.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Message Thanks Giving 2:
Let us use the blessings of God in a good way;
Let's express our gratitude to the almighty;
Help the needy and rejoice
Come! let's make the day special
Let us truly express how thankful we are to the almighty!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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